We conduct workshops on a variety of topics for a range of clients, from small arts groups to massive regional or national conveners. We would love to putt our experience and insights to work for you.
We offer a structured series of workshops around our How Strong is Your Social Net? digital and social media study (contact us for more information or if you are interested in setting up a workshop or presentation), as well as more general consultations related to communications in nonprofit organizations. Our philosophy and approach are summarized in the matrix below.
Problem | Solution | Target groups |
Indistinct brand: organization is adrift in a sea of similarity | Using A New Framework for Building Participation to:
Lack of Community Connections: Organization is “hermetic,” not engaged with the market environment | Know Your Market analysis:
Lost in the crowd: Why do you need to exist? | Reality Check -- Knowing Your Audience:
Funder disconnect | Funder friendly proposals -- Designing Logic Models to:
New audiences disconnect | Social networking for fun and profit -- Affiliating with new generations of audiences via:
Communications Confusion
Are you who your audiences think you are? Are your audiences who you think they are? |
Mission driven messaging and outreach strategies:
Boring, same-old website | Dynamic online media made easy:
Dense un-actionable research/indigestible evaluation documentation | What/SoWhat/Now What analysis:
Tell us about your best/worst social media experience...
…and meet digital communications pioneers.
Click on our profile template to get started.
Want to get in touch?
We’d love to hear from you. Contact us.