Link Centre, Tupelo, MS
Clear Social Media Policy Makes Good Practice
Managing Director, Melanie Deas, asked her board to create and adopt a social media policy in line with the organization’s core beliefs. The resulting document clearly states the Link Centre’s goal in using online communication tools “to expand and strengthen relationships with visitors and community members.”
Tupelo’s multidisciplinary presenter adopted social media policy to guide zealous staff in determining appropriate on-line behavior.
The Link Centre in Tupelo, Mississippi is a multi tenant presenter housing 22 non-profit organizations and 3 performing arts spaces. In their eagerness to support the organization and alert the community about upcoming events, staff and volunteers often blurred the lines between personal and professional communications posting inappropriate comments and opinions.
Managing Director Melanie Deas asked her board to create and adopt a social media policy in line with the organization’s core beliefs. The resulting document clearly states the Link Centre’s goal in using online communication tools “to expand and strengthen relationships with visitors and community members.” The policy urges staff and volunteers to “be responsible for what they write and post” and to be guided by “good judgment and common sense.”
Having a formal policy in place makes social media outreach less difficult and more rewarding for everyone involved. Since the Centre is in a relatively small town – where everyone knows everyone else — it must be vigilant about everyone who speaks on behalf of the organization taking a professional tone which reflects well on the organization and its programs.
Proof points:
- Establishing a consistent social media policy can guide and encourage staff and volunteers to communicate effectively and appropriately about an organization’s programming.
- Messages need to be consistent across platforms and reflect the values and mission of an organization
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