Lead-up to NAMP: Trudel | MacPherson contributes to ArtsBlog

Ramping up to our presentation of national findings from our How Strong Is Your Social Net? 2011 study, T | M principal Mary Trudel participated in NAMP’s ArtsBlog in early October. 

Mary Trudel

Mary Trudel

Mary’s two posts previewed survey highlights which included the encouraging news that arts groups of all sizes, disciplines and geographies are exited about social media and are reporting interesting results.  The majority of the 1600+ survey respondents note success in key target areas of ticket sales, building live participation and developing fan networks.  An encouraging 8%+ reported that digital communications and social media have become “mission critical” to their organizations’ success.

Budgets and geography aren’t standing in the way of innovation – social media has democratized communications and enabled experimentation at even relatively small arts organizations in non metropolitan areas.

Read Mary’s posts on the NAMP pre-conference blog:

Part 1

Part 2

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