How Strong is Your Social Net? 2011 Results
13. What have digital and social media delivered?
Respondents overwhelmingly described getting at least some results from using digital and social media in key areas related to the bottom line.
The best results were achieved in the area of building live participation and developing fan networks. Fundraising continues to pose a challenge online (not just for arts organizations), but encouragingly, respondents reported that they have achieved at least some results using digital and social media to drive ticket sales (76.7%).
Much of our study comes down to one crucial question. Did our respondents feel that digital and social media are delivering on their promise? Yes—at least for most. We phrased the question as a negative, for respondents to agree or disagree with: “Our management thinks digital and social media are overpromising and underdelivering.”
The majority (71%) disagreed with this statement (33% strongly), indicating that they believe digital and social media are delivering on their promise.
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