Cultural Diplomacy: Engaging a Changing World
A refrain in President Obama’s State of the Union address on January 25 was, “We do big things!” He referenced the work of Brandon Fisher’s Center Rock mining company which designed the successful “Plan B” rescue of the Chilean miners and used that intervention as a metaphor for America’s story of ordinary people who dare to dream and imagine a better future. Can the arts be America’s “Plan B” in strengthening mutual understanding between Americans and citizens of Muslim-majority nations, so crucial in this time of global unrest?
Working with The New York Times and the Alliance for the Arts, Trudel | MacPherson is co-producing the Cultural Diplomacy: Engaging a Changing World Arts Forum on March 7th at 5pm at The New York Times to challenge the arts sector to imagine new ways to inspire cross-cultural curiosity and build mutual respect.
Panelists Maura M. Pally, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Professional and Cultural Exchanges at the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs; Margaret Ayers, President, Robert Sterling Clark Foundation; Vishakha Desai, President, Asia Society and Anne Pasternak, President, Creative Time will discuss why Cultural Diplomacy is a unique form of social currency that serves as a positive force in developing community and strengthening cross-cultural understanding.
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